Friday 22 May 2015


Room 9 enjoyed taking part in a science investigation on Monday. We used a bottle of water, oil and food colouring to try and see what happens to waves. Do they move forward and backward? Do they move up and down?

Fill a bottle with 3/4 cup of water.

Add a few drops of food colouring and 1 cup of oil into the bottle.

Screw the cap on and roll the bottle on its side. Let it settle for a few minutes.

The water will sink to the bottom and the oil will rise to the top. 
Now tip the bottle back and forth and make some waves.

The waves will be bigger at one end of the bottle and smaller at the other. Your bottle wave is like an ocean wave.

Water moves up and down and doesn't go forward as the wave goes through the water.

The friction between water and wind makes a wave.

Longer waves travel faster than shorter ones and go further before friction makes them disappear.

Have a go at home.

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