Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Welcome Back

Welcome back for our final term. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I have been very proud of the students' achievements and have been pleased with their progress. You should all be very proud of your wonderful children. 

This term is going to be a busy one. 

Humphreys Dance

Room 11 start their dance classes this Thursday afternoon. If you haven't paid yet, please do so as soon as possible. 

Super Scientist

We are holding our Super Scientist Presentations again this term. It was a huge success in Term 2. All students are asked to prepare a presentation or short science investigation to share with their peers. They should be no longer than 8 minutes. These will be presented in individual classes during week 3. Two students from each class will then be chosen to compete within their year level ready for the final. These will be completed within week 4. 
Good luck everybody. 


Room 11 are trying to do something to sustain and maintain our Earth's resources. We have set up recycling boxes within our classroom and are going to look at ways of reusing the different materials we collect. We are asking for any empty and clean materials you have at home to be sent into class over the coming weeks. These could include bottles, containers, card, food boxes and tubs, old Christmas and birthday cards, old clothes, old CD's or DVD's etc. We are going to become quite creative over the coming week and turn these used materials into something new. Thanks for your support. 


Just a reminder that all students bring home spelling words on a Monday to learn for their test on Friday. It is really important that the children are also finding the meanings of these words and are able to use them in the correct context. They will also be bringing home a Maths Mate sheet to complete each week ready for the Friday. This will be helpful ready for NAPLAN. There is a place at the top of the sheet for parents to sign. 
Keep reading each night and have a go at the quizzes on Literacy Pro. We are now at nearly 3,500,000 words. Keep reading. 

Thank you for your support.

Mrs McIlwraith

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