Monday, 5 December 2016


I would like to say a big thank you to all the students for their exceptional behaviour over the last 2 weeks of swimming. We had many comments from people at the pool who said that the students were a credit to the school. Congratulations to all those students who passed their level. I am very proud of all of you. 


Library Books

Can you all please check at home if you have any library books from school. There are still a number of books that need to be returned by Friday.

Thank you

Farewell Mr Eves

We would like to say a huge thank you and goodbye to Mr Eaves who left us on Friday. Mr Eaves has been with us for the last 8 weeks. We have really enjoyed having him as part of our class and will miss him very much. We had a farewell party for him on Friday. Thank you to all those who sent in food for our party. You were all very generous. We had a wonderful time. We wish Mr Eaves all the very best for his future career in teaching. He will make a super teacher. 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Family Fun Night

I am looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow evening from 4pm - 7pm at our Family Fun Night. There are going to be many wonderful stalls and activities to take part in. Even the Dunk Tank. I will be on the Dunk Tank from about 5.15. This is your one chance to get me wet!! 😮💧💧💧

See you tomorrow.

Touch Typing

We have been giving the students the opportunity to gain speed with their typing skills. This is something they need to practise to improve their keyboard skills. 

Here is a website you might like to visit to support your child at home.

Click on 'school'
Edition Details - click on 'Student Lessons'



Even though we only have 3 weeks to go, I would like you to still encourage your child to read and take part in Lexile quizzes. Everybody has access to this website. We are almost at 5, 000, 000 words. Our goal is to get their before the end of the year. Good Luck!


The students are very tired after their first week of swimming. Only 1 more week to go. They have all been doing a great job and making progress.  Please make sure they have towels, thongs and goggles. We had a few comments today saying how well behaved the students from Wattle Grove have been. That was great to hear. 

Happy Thanksgiving

The students of Room 11 learnt about Thanksgiving today. 

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

We enjoyed making our own Thanksgiving Turkeys today. The students reflected on what they were thankful for. We are all extremely lucky to live in a beautiful country with loving families. Happy Thanksgiving.

Humphreys Dance

The students have been working hard over the last few weeks developing their moves for Presentation Night. It has been great to see them dancing with one another and having fun. We are looking forward to seeing the final product in week 10. The students of Room 11 will need a pair of black trousers and a red top for the Night. 

Monday, 31 October 2016


Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. The festival, which coincides with the Hindu New Year, celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.

Room 11 enjoyed making Rangoli patterns, Diwali cards and tea light holders to celebrate this special occasion, which was celebrated this weekend. 

Happy Diwali everyone.

Super Scientist Challenge

Congratulations to all students who put together a wonderful presentation for our Science Superstar Challenge. We had some amazing presentations and investigations and learnt many interesting facts. 

We learnt about friction, static electricity, mixing of chemicals and movement of molecules. 

Making lava lamps, creating foam and causing volcanic eruptions were just a few of Room 11's investigations. 

The presentations were clear and informative. We learnt so many scientific words. Mr Sanderson would be so proud. 

Some students presented their investigation outside, just in case it made a mess!!

Some students even dressed up like a Scientist to make it more realistic.

Thank you to everyone who took part. Congratulations to Aaryan and Paige who were the top 2 students for Room 11. Good Luck.

Merit Certificate Winners

Congratulations Angelo, Paige and Jin-Ai on gaining a Merit Certificate in Assembly on Friday. They have all worked very hard to earn their award. 

Monday, 17 October 2016

Year Level Challenge Winners

Congratulations to Samo, Jalen and Aaryan who all achieved 100% in the Year 4 Year Level Challenge last term. They were presented with their certificates on Friday in Assembly.  They were also in the top 5 students of the whole of Year 4. 

Samo, Latiesha, Sabbir and Srija gained awards for being most improved in year 4. Keep u the great work. Room 11 are looking for more students with 100% in Term 4.

Keep revising. 

Mrs Mcilwraith

Congratulations Jalen for achieving his Blue Award for Literacy Pro. I am really pleased with all those students who are reading and completing quizzes.  Keep up the great work. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Royal Show Art Work

I was fortunate enough to go to the Royal Show during the holidays, where I was able to view the outstanding art work produced by local school children. Wattle Grove had many entrants, including a few members from Room 11. Congratulations to Miss Randall and all the students for their hard work. Well done Srija from our class who received an award for her entry. 

Mr Eaves

We would like to welcome Mr Eaves to Wattle Grove. Mr Eaves is a student teacher from ECU who will be supporting the students over the next 7 weeks. We are very fortunate to have him work within our class and hope he enjoys his stay. 

Cam Eaves
Hi Room 11! My name is Mr. Eaves and I’m really excited to be a part of your class for term 4. I’m from Christchurch, New Zealand and have been in Perth for only 7 months now and I am loving it! I am a very active person and I enjoy playing sports and hanging out in the sunshine. I like to play both rugby and soccer and would love to get involved in any school sports. I also enjoy geography and learning about new places, different cultures and interesting foods!
Everyone at Wattle Grove Primary School has been really friendly and I look forward to creating new memories together!

Welcome Back

Welcome back for our final term. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I have been very proud of the students' achievements and have been pleased with their progress. You should all be very proud of your wonderful children. 

This term is going to be a busy one. 

Humphreys Dance

Room 11 start their dance classes this Thursday afternoon. If you haven't paid yet, please do so as soon as possible. 

Super Scientist

We are holding our Super Scientist Presentations again this term. It was a huge success in Term 2. All students are asked to prepare a presentation or short science investigation to share with their peers. They should be no longer than 8 minutes. These will be presented in individual classes during week 3. Two students from each class will then be chosen to compete within their year level ready for the final. These will be completed within week 4. 
Good luck everybody. 


Room 11 are trying to do something to sustain and maintain our Earth's resources. We have set up recycling boxes within our classroom and are going to look at ways of reusing the different materials we collect. We are asking for any empty and clean materials you have at home to be sent into class over the coming weeks. These could include bottles, containers, card, food boxes and tubs, old Christmas and birthday cards, old clothes, old CD's or DVD's etc. We are going to become quite creative over the coming week and turn these used materials into something new. Thanks for your support. 


Just a reminder that all students bring home spelling words on a Monday to learn for their test on Friday. It is really important that the children are also finding the meanings of these words and are able to use them in the correct context. They will also be bringing home a Maths Mate sheet to complete each week ready for the Friday. This will be helpful ready for NAPLAN. There is a place at the top of the sheet for parents to sign. 
Keep reading each night and have a go at the quizzes on Literacy Pro. We are now at nearly 3,500,000 words. Keep reading. 

Thank you for your support.

Mrs McIlwraith

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Learning Journey

More photos from our Learning Journey today. 

Thank you again for coming to support Room 11. We had a great afternoon.