All students in Room 9 now have a login and password for study Ladder. They can access this in school and at home. It is a great way for them to extend their learning in all curriculum areas and take part in quizzes and games to test their knowledge. They have all received their details today and can start accessing this at home over the weekend. I have already set them a task on Number and Place Value and Spelling. Good Luck.
Mrs McIlwraith
Friday, 22 May 2015
Buddy Class
Room 9 were lucky enough to meet with their buddy class for the first time. It was great to make a new friend with the Kindy students of Room 1.
Room 9 enjoyed reading stories first and then playing games and puzzles with their new friend.
We look forward to another visit very soon.
Thank you Miss Ryan for letting us share this experience in your classroom.
Room 9 enjoyed using the i-Pads on Thursday afternoon to help them research information for Society and Environment.
It was a great way to find out about the continents of the world.
The students also enjoyed playing with some of the educational apps when they had finished.
We look forward to using them again next week.
Chess Club
Some of the boys from Room 9 have been challenging one another to a game of chess.
It is a game of strategy which requires concentration and forward planning.
I wonder who will win the tournament?
Jump Rope For Heart
Heart Disease is a major problem all over Australia. Here at Wattle Grove, the staff and students feel it is important to do something about it before it is too late.
All students will be taking part in 'Jump Rope For Heart' in mid June. Students will be collecting sponsors over the next few weeks to raise money for the fight against heart disease. It will also raise their awareness of the problem.

Room 9 have already been getting prepared for their big day by taking part in skipping activities during morning fitness.
All students will be taking part in 'Jump Rope For Heart' in mid June. Students will be collecting sponsors over the next few weeks to raise money for the fight against heart disease. It will also raise their awareness of the problem.
Room 9 have already been getting prepared for their big day by taking part in skipping activities during morning fitness.
Room 9 enjoyed taking part in a science investigation on Monday. We used a bottle of water, oil and food colouring to try and see what happens to waves. Do they move forward and backward? Do they move up and down?
Screw the cap on and roll the bottle on its side. Let it settle for a few minutes.
Fill a bottle with 3/4 cup of water.
Add a few drops of food colouring and 1 cup of oil into the bottle.
The water will sink to the bottom and the oil will rise to the top.
Now tip the bottle back and forth and make some waves.
The waves will be bigger at one end of the bottle and smaller at the other. Your bottle wave is like an ocean wave.
Water moves up and down and doesn't go forward as the wave goes through the water.
The friction between water and wind makes a wave.
Longer waves travel faster than shorter ones and go further before friction makes them disappear.
Have a go at home.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
I would like to wish all students in both Year 3 and Year 5, who are taking their NAPLAN Tests this week, the very best of luck. Get a good night sleep, have a decent breakfast, read the questions carefully and just do your best.
Remember, when NAPLAN is over, the hard work and learning will still go on.
Mrs McIlwraith
Investigations with balloons.
Room 9 had fun on Monday afternoon carrying out a couple of quick science tests using balloons. The first test was to move a balloon from 1 end of a string to the other only using string, a straw, sticky tape and a balloon. Once it left their hands, they were not allowed to touch the balloon again.
Congratulations to Ava, Emma and Tiana who managed to get theirs to work first. Thread the string through the straw, stick the inflated balloon onto the straw (but do not tie it), let it go and watch it travel to the other side.
Dillon and Avinash had a different, but clever idea.
We also had fun learning about Static Electricity.
What do you think of the new hairstyles?
Aussie Town Projects
Thank you to all those students who worked extremely hard on their 'Aussie Town Project'. These were completed at home over the last few weeks, following the set criteria. It was wonderful to see how well you had researched and presented your facts in a variety of ways. We had power points, leaflets, posters and display boards, all of which were informative and entertaining. You presented your facts clearly and have hopefully gained confidence when presenting to your peers.
Science observations
We thought you would like to see the update on our plant investigations. We have been responsible, making sure that we have been taking care of our plants daily. We have been recording our observations in diaries, charts, tables and graphs over the last couple of weeks and have discovered some interesting results so far. Watch this space.
Room 9 would like to say congratulations to Emma who was elected as one of the Year 6 Faction Captains. We all know what a wonderful job she will do.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Room 9 would like to congratulate Izaak and Kati on becoming Year 6 Student Reps for Term 2. We know they will do an amazing job and set a great example to others. We hope they have a fantastic Term and take pride in their role.
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