Monday, 22 September 2014

Journey Projects

I have been extremely impressed with the efforts of the children in Room 9 recently. They have been working in small groups over the last couple of weeks, researching a historical figure who made a journey. Neil Armstrong, Captain James Cook and Christopher Colombus were just a few of the people being studied. 

They had to find out the history of the chosen person and describe the journey they had made. 

They learnt many skills during this project, including collaborative skills, decision making and presenting their finished projects with their peers. 

It was wonderful watching the children share ideas, roles and responsibilities and especially watching their confidence grow as they presented their work.

The whole class had great ideas and used their imagination to think of ways to present their work. The children really thought carefully about high standards. 

Room 8 enjoyed coming to share our work too.

Congratulations to everyone for being dedicated and hard working throughout the whole experience. 

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