Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Living Things Projects

Amy presenting her information about the human effects on whales.

I was very impressed with the standard of work from the children in room 9 with their recent projects.

The children were asked to research a living thing and it's environment. They had to demonstrate in some way what humans are doing to destroy their surroundings and the impact it has on their lives. 

Sai - We are destroying animal's habitats by cutting down trees to build roads. 

Farhan showing what pollution is doing to the environment.

Hannah created a power point and diorama to demonstrate the effects of global warming on polar bears. She even wrote her own story to show us what humans are doing and what we can do to help. 

Ramon was very concerned about the amount of trees and bushland that are being destroyed  in order for humans to create more roads and homes. 

Owen gave us some great advice on saving power to save our world.

Joshua created a wonderful project showing the changes in our local environment and how this has had an impact on the living things around Wattle Grove.

See the rest of our amazing creations.

Congratulations to everyone who took part and carried out some fantastic research. We hope that humans start to do something now so that we can have a better future for our animals.

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