Monday, 25 August 2014

Book Week Parade

It was great to see some of the children from Room 9 dressed as characters from 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. 
It was good fun being The Grand High Witch for the day. I had the attention of all the children. I wonder why? Maybe they didn't want to be turned into a mouse!

Look at some of the wonderful work we produced based on the book read in class.

We even created our own book covers with a new blurb.

These are some of the books we enjoy reading in Room 9.

Thank you to Alyssa, Tia and Maddi for sharing their favourite stories.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Book Week and Science Week

Room 9 have been taking part in many activities this week based on materials and 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. 

Creating our material book characters.

This will make a great dress for The Grand High Witch.

Which materials are easiest to cut?

Having fun with magic bubbles.


All smiles before the race begins!

1 lap completed.

Starting to feel the pain.

We made it!
Congratulations Room 9.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Black and White Day

Children at Wattle Grove are encouraged to come dressed in black and white on Tuesday 19th August. They are asked to bring in a gold coin donation and all money raised will go towards helping Tasmanian Devils will illness and disease. 
This is a very worthwhile cause and we hope to raise lots on the day.
Thank you for your support.
Book Week

Book Week will begin on Monday 18th August until Friday 22nd. During this week Room 9 will be taking part in Literacy activities related to the recent Roald Dahl book we have shared in the class, The Witches. There will also be a Scholastic Book Fair towards the end of the week, please feel free to come and browse the many books on offer. 

On Monday 25th August there will be the Book Week Event, where Room 9 will be asked to dress as a character from 'The Witches'. 
This could be The Hotel Manager, The Maid, Grandma, The boy or Bruno Jenkins dressed as children or as mice, a chef, The Grand High Witch or one of the Witches. 

I look forward to seeing some great costumes so get creating. 
I will be dressing up on the day too!

Mrs McIlwraith

Cross Country

Congratulations to all those who took part in the senior cross country run last Friday afternoon. It was amazing to see the dedication of the athletes. We are all very proud of the children who represented Room 9, they did a fantastic job!

Amro coming up towards the finishing line.

Keep going Avinash, you are nearly there.

Farhan kept going right up until the end.

Ramon crossing the finish line triumphantly.

Elyas never gave up!

The rest of the class enjoyed themselves during the races.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Testing Materials

Room 9 had great fun testing materials in our recent science lesson. We wanted to investigate different types of materials and sort them under a variety of categories.

What does it smell like?

What does it feel like?

Is it hard?

Is it smooth?

Will this material change shape?

Which materials will break easily?

What could this be used for?

What types of objects would be made using this material?

A big thank you to Mr Sanderson for creating the material boxes for our groups to work with.

We look forward to many more investigations in science this term.