Monday, 5 May 2014

Welcome Back! 

It was lovely to see everybody back in school safe and well after the Easter Holidays. I hope you had a wonderful rest and are all ready to work hard in Term 2. We have got a lot planned.


Room 9 wish to welcome Hannah and Amro to the class, we hope you are very happy here at Wattle Grove. 

Congratulations and thank you to those children who worked on their project during the break. I have been impressed with the standard of work. You must have worked extremely hard over the holidays. Well done to all the parents who supported their child with this project. 

The children are currently presenting their work in class and would also like to invite parents to view their work on Friday 9th May. The classroom will be open from 2.30 - 3.05. It would be great for you to come in and see their work. 

Remember that in Room 9 we expect the highest standards of work in all areas, including Homework! 

Have a great Term and I look forward to working with you all again. 

Mrs Helen McIlwraith

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 9
    I have been missing coming into Room 9 and working with you all and Mrs McIlwraith. Sorry I can't be there tomorrow to see your projects. The photos here look like they are all terrific. I am away tomorrow, but I will have to come in and have a look when I get back. Have a great day tomorrow with your parents. Mr Meachem
