Monday, 3 December 2018

End of Year

We are coming towards the end of Year 4, I can't believe how fast the year has gone. I have enjoyed every minute. Room 26 have matured and grown as a class. I am so proud of every single student. They were well behaved during swimming lessons, have demonstrated wonderful manners during dancing and have continued to work hard in class with an excellent attitude. We have our dance party next Monday 10th December from 10.15 - 11.15 at Camp Wattle Grove. Please return your form and $2.50 by Thursday. Our class party will be next Wednesday 12th December. I will be going on Long Service Leave in week 10. I will be heading back to the UK to see my lovely family. My last day at Wattle Grove will be this Friday. I would like to say thank you for all your support this year, I have loved working with Year 4, you have amazing children. I wish you all a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you all back safely in 2019. 

Certificate winners

Congratulations to all our assembly winners on Friday. 

Coonor and Taj received their Red certificate and Oliver received his Blue certificate for Literacy Pro.  Chinmayi and Leo both received their Silver. Great reading everyone. Room 26 have now read over 5,000,000 words. Well done. 

Congratulations Sam for gaining a special ward for her outstanding piece of art at the recent Royal Show. 

Well done Kurt, Rico, Nad, Shujaat, Natalina and Isabelle who all received a merit certificate for their excellent efforts in the classroom. 

Keep up the good work.