Thursday, 11 October 2018

Welcome back

Welcome back to our final term of the year. I can't believe we are here already. I have been so proud of the achievements made by all students in Room 26. We have an extremely busy term ahead. We will be working hard in preparation for NAPLAN next year. NAPLAN style questions will be included within all Literacy and Numeracy warm ups. It is important that all students continue to take part in regular reading at home, practise all times tables to help support many aspects of the Year 4 curriculum, and practise their weekly spelling words and their meaning. Remember that homework is given out on a Monday and due in on a Friday. Thank you to those students who are achieving amazing results in Literacy Pro. Keep reading everyone. 

Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform and that long hair is tied back off the face. As the weather is improving, all students must have their hat for recess and lunch. 

The students have settled back very quickly this week. I was very impressed with their attitude and work ethics during our Literacy rotations. I was pleased with the high standards of work. They are working very hard to achieve their pen license ready for Year 5. 

Events coming up:

We have started Humphreys Dancing this week. Our lessons will be every Tuesday morning until week 9. It was great to see most students take part. I can't wait to see the finished product in the final weeks. Dancing is fun and amazing exercise for us all. I am certainly enjoying myself. 

Swimming will commence in week 5. Lessons for Room 26 will begin in week 7. Letters will be sent out shortly. 

Wattle Grove Art Festival will take place on Tuesday 23rd October from 4.30 - 6.30 pm. This will be a fantastic celebration of the Arts within our school. We certainly have a lot of talented students at Wattle Grove. Some students from Room 26 will be taking part in the Choir and Year 3/4 Dance. We look forward to seeing you there. 

We would like to say farewell to Joan who moved to a new school during the holiday. We wish her and her family all the best for the future and will miss them greatly. 

I will keep you posted of any other events taking place during the term. I look forward to working with you all again this term. 

Mrs McIlwraith