Sunday, 29 October 2017

Welcome Miss Papalia

Hello Room 25!

My name is Miss Papalia and I am so excited to be spending the next 5 weeks in your amazing classroom with yourselves and Mrs McIlwraith. I was born in the Perth hills and have grown up there most of my life. When I’m not teaching children at school, you will most likely find me teaching children in a dance studio. I love to dance and have done so for the last 21 years of my life. I teach a range of children (ages 3-18) in the genres of tap, jazz and ballet.

I have found Wattle Grove Primary School to be such a welcoming and friendly school and for this reason, I am extremely excited about my placement here. I cannot wait to continue to get to know you all and make some great memories over the next 5 weeks!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Award winners

Congratulations to all those students who received a certificate last Wednesday during our special assembly.

Well done Jamie, Chenoa, Kate, Chloe and Jackson who were the top 5 most improved students in the Year 5 Year Level Challenge. 

Well done Sabbir, Lincoln, Ali and Muzafer who were in the top 5 of the Year 5 Year Level Challenge. Sabbir, Lincoln and Ali all gained 100%. Keep up the great work boys. 

Congratulations Jackson, Muzafer, Daniel, Jamie, Halle, Sabbir and Lincoln who all took part in the recent ICAS tests and gained very good results. I am very proud of all of them. 

Welcome back

I can't believe we have reached Term 4 already. The year has flown by. The students were enjoying ICT last week preparing for their Year 6 Portfolios. Remember to support students with finding evidence to support their documents. These can be in the form of letters, photos, timetables etc. This will be part of their homework for the rest of this term. 

The students have been asked to prepare a 5 - 8 minute presentation delivering Science facts ready for week 4. They need to choose a Science topic and share their knowledge and understanding in the form of a power point, leaflet or poster. Winners will be chosen to deliver to the whole school later in the term. 

Don't forget that homework and spellings are given out on a Monday and will be due in on a Friday. Please encourage your child to learn the meaning of the spelling words too. 


Helen McIlwraith