Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Literacy Pro Update

Quiz Pass Rate

Words Read


Congratulations to:
James     3,219,934 words read
Jackson  1,056,459 words read
Muzafer 1,032,910 words read

McKenna   97% pass rate
Chloe     92% pass rate
Latiesha 90% pass rate

Dates for your diary

With less than 5 weeks left this term, there are plenty of dates for your diary. 

This week is Book Week. The students will be taking part in a number of activities during Literacy. Students can bring their favourite books into school and I would also like to invite students to share books from their home country or in a different language. 
There will be a Book Parade held on Friday morning from 9.00am in the undercover area. All students are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character. Look out for staff members in different costumes on Friday too. 

Next week, week 7, will be the Faction Carnival. This will be held on Friday 1st September. Please come and support your child. 

Week 8 will be Numeracy and Literacy week. There is a special production of 'The Wizard of Oz' on Wednesday 6th September for all students and teachers, then Thursday 7th September from 1.30pm for parents and family members. The students in Years 4 - 6 have been working extremely hard and are now looking forward to the big day. Hope to see you there. Tickets are available from the office for a gold coin donation.

Week 10: Learning journeys will be held on the Tuesday afternoon. Parents are invited to come into school to view students' work. 

Homework: Homework is always given out on the Friday which is due in the following Friday. This gives students plenty of time to complete their work. It has been disappointing recently to see many students not handing in homework on time. Please encourage your child to revise weekly spelling words and learn the definitions, read on a regular basis and take part in Literacy Pro quizzes and complete Literacy or Numeracy worksheets. 

Thank you

Mrs Helen McIlwraith