Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Learning Journey

More photos from our Learning Journey today. 

Thank you again for coming to support Room 11. We had a great afternoon.

Learning Journey

Thank you to everyone who came to the Learning Journey in Room 11 this afternoon. It was a huge success. It was fantastic to see so many family members coming to share the amazing work the students have completed. Room 11 have worked extremely hard this year and I know they are proud of their achievements. I hope you enjoyed celebrating their successes, we really appreciate your ongoing support. 

More photos to follow.

Friday, 16 September 2016

What's been happening?

We have had a very busy week in Room 11. 
We have been taking part in more Science investigations, trying to find out which materials absorb or repel water.

We had an amazing incursion on Cyber Bullying on Tuesday led by Paul Litherland. It was important information that will keep us safe later in life. Using the internet can be fun, informative and educational, however, it can be dangerous too. We had lots of fun with Paul and really enjoyed his visit. 

We have also been working in small groups producing projects about famous people who made important journeys in their lives. 
We covered Marco Polo, Jessica Watson, Neil Armstrong and many more. We presented these yesterday. 

Congratulations to Joshua, Chloe and Srija who all got the merit awards in assembly yesterday. 

It has also been amazing to see the Literacy Pro word count rise over the last few weeks. We are now over the 3, 000, 000 words in Room 11.  Keep up the excellent work and continue taking those quizzes. 

Just to remind you that Learning Journeys will take place on Tuesday 20th from 2.00pm - 3.30pm. We look forward to sharing our wonderful work with you. 

Have a great weekend.

From Room 11

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Fathers' Day

Happy Fathers' Day to everyone. Thank you to Bunnings Maddington who donated the materials for Room 11 to make a key holder for Dad. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. 

Faction Carnival

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the carnival on Friday. It was a wonderful team effort. Thank you to all those who made it an amazing day.