Welcome back to Term 3 2016. I can't believe we are half way through the year. I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are ready to work hard during Semester Two. It is going to be a very busy term. I hope Zander, Serpphire and Tatiana, who left us last term to go to new schools, have settled well and are enjoying their new adventures. We miss you here at Wattle Grove. We welcome Keegan who has joined us this week. We enjoyed an action packed assembly this morning. Congratulations to Jesse and Latiesha who were voted as our new Class Councillors for Semester Two. I know they will do a wonderful job.
I was so proud of Jin-Ai who made it in the top 5 most improved in the Year Level Challenge from Term 2. She should be very pleased with her achievements. Aaryan was the only student in Year 4 to gain 100%. Good job!
Keep working hard. It has been wonderful to see students already taking part in Literacy Pro quizzes and Study Ladder activities.
We are focusing on telling the time in Maths at the moment . Please encourage your child in this area at home. Time is an activity you can work on every day at home.
If it is 10 past 9, how would you write this in digital time am and pm?
What time would it be 2 and a half hours later?