Monday, 29 February 2016

Award Winners

Congratulations to Aaryan for achieving all 5 goals. He was the only member of the class last week to arrive to school on time, complete his homework, wear the correct uniform, complete a Literacy Pro Test and gain 20/20 on his spelling test. What an amazing student.

We would also like to congratulate Halle who has achieved awards and trophies outside of school. She takes part in netball, gymnastics and other sports. She is so proud of her achievements and so are we. It is wonderful to see students working hard outside school hours. We have a very talented group. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Study Ladder Champs

Congratulations to Joshua, Jalen, Naznin, Latiesha, James, Angelo, Aaryan and Jack for motivating themselves at home and completing many tasks on Study Ladder. They are making fantastic progress and have achieved their next certificate. 

Keep up the great work. Let's hope we have more winners soon.
Remember to use your login and have a go at the tasks set for English and Maths. 

Friday, 19 February 2016

Class Councillors

Congratulations to Serpphire and Joshua who were voted as Room 11's Class Councillors for this Semester. I am sure they will do a great job. They led their first Class Council meeting today. Some excellent discussion points were raised by the class on the Agenda Board. Thanks to all those who shared their thoughts and ideas. 


After a week of learning about length and converting measurements, we decided to have a go at measuring larger objects around our school. 

We used a variety of measuring equipment including rulers, metre rulers, tape measures and even trundle wheels. 

We worked out the perimeter of different areas outside and even how many metres it took from our classroom to Mr Petch's room. Just over 94 metres.

It was great to put our knowledge and understanding into practice. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Morning Fitness

Room 11 enjoying 'Just Dance' for morning fitness. They are all great movers.

We are trying to keep fit and healthy after learning about all things that help us keep fit during our regular health classes. 

We realise how important it is to look after ourselves at our age to ensure we have a great life ahead. 

We talked about foods we eat, cleaning our bodies and clothes, drinking water, getting lots of sleep and brushing our teeth. 

We took part in short plays to demonstrate what can happen if we don't look after ourselves. 

The children were amazing and we learnt a great deal from their wonderful performances. What a fantastic way to learn about keeping fit. 

Room 11 are really thinking about how to look after themselves. We had great fun doing it. 
Look out for these kids on the stage!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Science Update

Wow, what an amazing transformation to our celery. After only one evening left in water with red food colouring, the stem and leaves were a bright colour red when we arrived at school this morning. 

This proved that water must travel up the stem to all parts of the plant. The smaller pieces of celery were a brighter red than the taller pieces. This caused great discussion in class today.

We recorded our results and conclusion neatly in our science books.
Why don't you have a go at home.

Parent Information Evening

Thank you to the large number of parents who attended the Parent Information Evening tonight. I appreciate you giving up your time to listen to important information to support your child through Year 4. As long as we work together as a team, we should see great results from all students. 

Monday, 15 February 2016


Room 11 enjoyed taking part in a quick Science investigation today. We have started a new unit all about plants. One of the questions we wanted to find out was 'where does the water travel and does it reach all parts of a plant?

One of the ways to find this out was to add food colouring to our water and place a stick of celery in the cup. 

Hopefully we should be able to see the stem and leaves turn red if our predictions are correct. The water should travel up the stem and straight to the leaves, taking the red colouring with it. 

We left the celery in the coloured water overnight and will check them tomorrow to see if there have been any changes.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Australia Day

We all enjoyed a great day today dressed in our Australian colours and waving our flags.

The students and teachers celebrated a belated Australia Day to help raise money for the recent bushfires in Yarloop. 

We started the day with a whole school parade. It was wonderful to see everyone dressed in red, white and blue, or green and gold. 
Back in class we made Australia Day book marks and decorated cup cakes using green icing and Australia flags.

Thank you to everyone who took part and for all your very generous donations.

Hope you have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Welcome to Room 11

I would like to welcome everyone to Room 11's Blog Page. Over the next 12 months you will be updated with important dates and events, relevant information, photos and news of what the students in Year 4 have been doing. 

The students have already settled into new routines.

They have been getting to know their collaboration teams and developing their roles as Gofer, Recorder, Timekeeper and Chairperson. 
They have set their group and individual goals, which they are working hard to achieve.

Important Dates For Your Diary

Friday 12th February: Australia Day Celebrations 
Come to school dressed in your Aussie colours and clothes. 
(No thongs please). 

We are collecting donations to help support the people affected by the devastating bush fires in Yarloop. 

Tuesday 16th February: Parent Information Evening

I will be holding an information evening for all parents and caregivers from 6.15 - 7.00pm. This will give you detailed information of what to expect in Year 4. I look forward to seeing you there. Please complete the letters that went home today to let me know if you are able to make it.

Motivation Book

We are no longer calling it 'Homework' in Year 4 but hope that the students will be motivated to complete set tasks during the week. These went home yesterday.
Here are copies of this week's spelling words.

Spellings Week 2 Term 1

Each group has 10 words in their books. 

Here are the extra Homophones and Challenge words for all groups:

break            creak             fir      
groan            hear        

abandoned        abominable     absconded         abstained          abundance                     

Have a go at finding out the meaning of these words and try to use them in your writing.

Have a great Term. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Mrs Helen McIlwraith