Thursday, 30 October 2014

Which is the strongest plastic bag?

In science we wanted to test a variety of plastic bags to see which would hold the most weight. We worked in small groups, choosing our equipment, making predictions, investigating and recording our results. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed testing the materials. Think about where you shop! Are the bags strong enough to hold all your shopping?

Welcome Miss Bettenay

Room 9 would like to welcome Miss Bettenay to Wattle Grove. Miss Bettenay is a student teacher from ECU who will be working with us until week 7. We hope she enjoys her time here at our wonderful school. 

Happy Diwali 

The children of Room 9 learnt about the Diwali celebrations held last weekend. Diwali is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated in October every year. The festival means 'row of lights'. It symbolises hope, peace, harmony, knowledge, joy, truth and most of all, unity.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Thank you to all the students who supported Wattle Grove PS on the last day of term by coming dressed in their favourite football or soccer teams' outfits and colours. 

Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday. I look forward to seeing you all safe and well on Tuesday 14th October. 

Don't forget that we start Edu Dance on Tuesday. If you haven't yet returned the form and money, please do so asap.

Enjoy your weekend and looking forward to Term 4.

Mrs Mclwraith
Room 9 would like to celebrate and congratulate the talents of some of our students who participate in out of school activities. We are very proud of their talents. 

Look at the trophies and medals they have achieved recently.

We are all very proud of your achievements. keep up the great work in dance and calisthenics.

We had spent the last couple of weeks of Term 3 learning about weight and capacity in Maths.
On the Thursday of the last week we completed the unit by putting our knowledge and understanding to practical use.
Making cup cakes!
Here are the results.

Who thought measuring could be so much fun?

And tasty!!